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Monday, December 18, 2006

Duncan and Mary On the Line!

Wow! How is this, Duncan and Mary Kibaya in Uganda, Africa with a blob! Oh, I mean Blog! I can't lie it is neither Duncan or me (Mary) who is actually starting it, it is Tim Crow who is the mastermind for this blog. But I am writing it and this is a massive move forward for us to come into all this technology.

We can hardly turn on a computer but Duncan is learning and hopes to soon be "surfing the net." That's all the surfing he'll be doing as he is becoming a Mzee, which means old man, that's what the people of River of Life Church call him!

Now this blog is to keep you, our friends and anyone who is interested about our work in Uganda up to date. Shall I start at the begnning? It's a very good place to start (Yes, I've been watching The Sound of Music, lots!!). In fact it would take too long to start from the beginning and most people who know us know everything anyway. If you've just found this blog and are interested just place a comment with your details and we can get back to you and give you more information about ourselves.

So there you go, please read on in the next 2 sections above which give you some of our recent news. Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Fantatsic to see your site here!!
We'll try and keep up with your news this way. You guys are such a blessing, keep on keeping on
sarah and sam

Anonymous said...

Greetings in the Name of Jesus to you both. It sounds as though you have faced real challenges since I saw you in Manchester last fall. But I know you are filled with the Father's life and you are up to meeting whatever comes your way with grace and truth, strong in the Father's love.

I have begun to see, through this websight, that the Lord has given you a fruitful ministry. I hope to keep in touch with what he is doing with and through you and all your co-workers. Clearly Jesus is taking many little ones in his arms as you gather these precious children close to you.

What a joy it was to meet you and share in the gospel for a few days in Manchester. How I would love to continue in fellowship in the coming years, as the Lord wills.

We are beginning our new life in Virginia. It is a time of waiting on him, but also of beginning to work in those areas where we have clarity.

The book on the "Courtroom" teaching is coming along! We return to the UK in late May for 5 weeks. I am doing the "Courtroom" conference in Belfast (!) for the first time.

Grace and peace to you, Duncan and Mary.
Love to you both in Jesus' Name.
Allyn Benedict