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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Parenting by Numbers!

We can share the gospel through different means, but it’s really important to foster good relationships between us (the Church) and the community around us.  We are, after all, called to be salt and light to the World, but no-one wants salt scattered in their eyes uninvited, so friendships are important! 

Elder Betty was recently talking to us about her community work, and said: “Whenever I go for community visits, I find non-believing parents treating their children in a way that doesn’t honour God: beating them, throwing horrible words at them….  Sincerely, this breaks my heart.  Well, I was thinking about it later on, and thought how great it could be to have a meeting with them at church, so that we could talk about the proper ways of treating kids, since they are gifts from God.

Some of the splendid gifts having a good dance with Elder Emily!

So we did it!  We talked to these parents about how important their children are, and also let them know that whatever they impart to their children’s lives, will be the very things that they will pass on to the neighbours, and to their own families in the future.

We also shared the word of God during these discussions, and four of the 24 parents that attended decided to give their lives to Christ, as did twenty six of the 49 children that had their own little class at the same time!”

Just some of the smiling faces we got to spend time with :) 
After the meeting we shared the little we had with the children and as you can see, they were very happy with their books, pens and pencils.

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